- AboutWindow - An AboutWindow is a window that displays
information about the application.
- Animation
- AnimationTarget
- AppBar - An AppBar is the header bar of an Window. It usually
provides controls to manage the window, as well as optional children for more granular control.
- Application - An application.
- ApplicationWindow - An ApplicationWindow is a
Window for holding the main content of an application.
- Avatar - An Avatar is a image representation of a person, or
its initials. Shows their status using a badge.
- Badge - A Badge is a small status indicator that can be used
to provide additional information about an object.
- Banner - A Banner is a widget that displays a message to the
user and provides a way for the user to act on the message.
- Bin - A helper class for subclassing custom widgets.
- BottomBar - A BottomBar is a toolbar made to make actions
on content more visible. It may have up to 5 actions on each side. It has title and description labels, which can be part of a menu's
- BottomSheet - A BottomSheet is a UI component made to
showcase accessory actions. It may have an action button. It has a title label and contents.
- Button - A class to derive UI Buttons from.
- ButtonContent - A helper class to derive Buttons from.
- CallbackAnimationTarget
- Chip - A Chip is an element that can facilitate entering
information, making selections, filtering content, or triggering actions.
- ChipGroup - A ChipGroup is a holder widget for Chips.
- ContentBlock - A ContentBlock displays a single block
of content, which contains an icon, text and optional buttons.
- ContentBlockImage - A ContentBlockImage component
is used to render an image inside a ContentBlock.
- ContentBlockImageCluster - A
ContentBlockImageCluster is a cluster of images that are rendered together in the same content block.
- ContentList - A Content List is a list of content blocks
with an optional title and description.
- ContentScheme
- Contrast
- ContrastCurve
- DatePicker
- DefaultScheme
- Desktop - Helper class to deal with desktop-specific
- Dialog - A Dialog is a modal window that asks the user for
input or shows a message.
- Divider - A Divider is a thin line that groups content in a
view, can be full-width (default) or inset
- Dropdown - A He.Dropdown is a
simple variant of Gtk.DropDown for easy developing.
- DynamicColor
- DynamicScheme
- EmptyPage - An EmptyPage is a page that is used to display
a message and a button when there is no data to display.
- KeyColor
- MiniContentBlock - A MiniContentBlock is a content
block that is used to display content in a small area.
- ModifierBadge - A ModiferBadge is a badge that can be
used to show that the state of something has changed.
- MonochromaticScheme
- MutedScheme
- NavigationRail - A NavigationRail is a vertical
switcher that helps navigate a stack.
- NavigationSection
- OverlayButton - An OverlayButton is a widget that can
be used to show action buttons above the widget that is being overlaid.
- ProgressBar - A Progressbar indicates the progress of
some process and contains a disable-able Stop Indicator for accessibility purposes.
- PropertyAnimationTarget
- Quantizer
- QuantizerCelebi
- QuantizerMap - Creates a dictionary with keys of
colors, and values of count of the color
- QuantizerResult
- QuantizerWsmeans
- QuantizerWu - An image quantizer that divides the
image's pixels into clusters by recursively cutting an RGB cube, based on the weight of pixels in each area of the cube.
- SaladScheme
- Scheme - A class that contains the color scheme of the app.
- Score
- SegmentedButton - A SegmentedButton is a group of
buttons that selects a setting. The developer supplies the buttons as children for further coding in their app.
- SettingsList - A SettingsList is a list of content
blocks with an optional title and description.
- SettingsPage - Auxilary Class for handling the contents
of Settings Windows
- SettingsRow - A SettingsRow is a settings row that is
used to display content in a small area that is activatable if desired.
- SettingsWindow - A modal window that accepts
SettingsLists or SettingsPages
- SideBar - A SideBar is a complementary component containing
its own AppBar, title, subtitle, and elements.
- Slider - A Slider is a widget that is used to select a value
by means of a dial running across a trough. Contains optional icons for the slider purpose, and a disable-able Stop Indicator for
accessibility purposes.
- SpringAnimation
- SpringParams
- StyleManager - A class that manages the style of the
application in conjunction with the provided preferences. This is a low-level class that should not be used directly. Instead, let the
`He.Application` class manage this for you.
- Switch - A Switch is a widget that is used to toggle a
setting on or off, or to indicate two modes via a toggle (ex. Light/Dark).
- SwitchBar - A SwitchBar is a widget that is used to
identify primarily a switchable view below it.
- Tab - Standard tab designed for TabSwitcher, used to form a
tabbed UI
- TabPage - Auxilary Class for handling the contents of Tabs
- TabSwitcher - TabBar widget designed for a variable
number of tabs.
- TemperatureCache
- TextField - TextField is a Gtk.Entry
-like subclass that is meant to be used in forms where input must be validated before the form can be submitted. It provides
feedback to users about the state of input validation and keeps track of its own validation state. By default, input is considered
invalid. This widget can also be used in place of a Gtk.Entry for HIG compliance purposes.
- TimePicker
- TimedAnimation
- Tip - A Tip is a helper object for onboarding flow tips in an
app's first launch.
- TipView - A TipView is a helper widget for onboarding flow
tips in an app's first launch.
- Toast - A Toast is a widget containing a quick little message
for the user with an optional action button.
- TonalPalette
- ToneDeltaPair
- VibrantScheme
- View - A helper widget that implements a View that
displays items.
- ViewAux - A ViewAux shows a view with an optional side pane.
- ViewChooser - A ViewChooser is a chooser switcher that
filters a stack's view.
- ViewDual - A ViewDual is a view that displays two views
side by side.
- ViewMono - A ViewMono is a component containing its own
AppBar, title, subtitle, and elements.
- ViewSubTitle - A ViewSubTitle is a view's subtitle.
- ViewSwitcher - A ViewSwitcher is a switcher that
controls a stack's views.
- ViewTitle - A ViewTitle is a widget that displays a view's
- ViewingConditions
- WelcomeScreen - A WelcomeScreen is a screen that
presents options and actions before displaying the main application.
- Window - A Window is a container that has an
AppBar and can be moved, resized, and closed. It may be a top-level window or a dialog. The
title bar can be made always visible. Has an optional back button. The back button is only visible if has_back_button is true.
- public int alpha_from_rgba_int (int argb)
- public int argb_from_linrgb (double[] linrgb)
- public int argb_from_rgb_int (int red, int green, int blue)
- public double[] argb_to_rgb (int argb)
- public XYZColor argb_to_xyz (int argb)
- public int blue_from_rgba_int (int argb)
- public CAM16Color cam16_from_int (int argb)
- public XYZColor cam16_to_xyz (CAM16Color color)
- public int critical_plane_above (double x)
- public int critical_plane_below (double x)
- public bool disliked (HCTColor hct)
- public int find_result_by_j (double hr, double c, double y)
- public HCTColor fix_disliked (HCTColor hct)
- public RGBColor from_argb_int (int argb)
- public RGBColor from_gdk_rgba (RGBA color)
- public RGBColor from_hex (string color)
- public HCTColor from_params (double hue, double chroma, double tone)
- public double get_rotated_hue (double hue, double[] hues, double[] rotations)
- public int green_from_rgba_int (int argb)
- public HCTColor hct_blend (HCTColor a, HCTColor b)
- public HCTColor hct_from_int (int argb)
- public int hct_to_argb (double hue, double chroma, double lstar)
- public string hct_to_hex (double hue, double chroma, double lstar)
- public LCHColor hct_to_lch (HCTColor color)
- public string hex_from_hct (HCTColor hct)
- public string hex_from_hct_with_contrast (HCTColor hct, double contrast)
- public string hexcode (double r, double g, double b)
- public string hexcode_argb (int color)
- public void init ()
- public LABColor lab_from_argb (int argb)
- public int lab_to_argb_int (LABColor lab)
- public LCHColor lab_to_lch (LABColor color)
- public RGBColor lab_to_rgb (LABColor color)
- public XYZColor lab_to_xyz (LABColor color)
- public LABColor lch_to_lab (LCHColor color)
- public RGBColor lch_to_rgb (LCHColor color)
- public int red_from_rgba_int (int argb)
- public int rgb_from_linrgb (int red, int green, int blue)
- public int rgb_to_argb_int (RGBColor color)
- public LABColor rgb_to_lab (RGBColor color)
- public LCHColor rgb_to_lch (RGBColor color)
- public XYZColor rgb_to_xyz (RGBColor color)
- public double rgb_value_to_xyz (double v)
- public RGBA to_gdk_rgba (RGBColor color)
- public int xyz_to_argb (XYZColor xyz)
- public CAM16Color xyz_to_cam16 (XYZColor color)
- public LABColor xyz_to_lab (XYZColor color)
- public RGBColor xyz_to_rgb (XYZColor color)
- public double xyz_value_to_lab (double v)